Electrical Workers Registration Board (EWRB)

The Electrical Workers Registration Board promotes safety for all New Zealanders by ensuring the competence of electrical workers..

Registration New Zealand experience pathway

For the New Zealand experience pathway, you must pass the appropriate theory exam or exams, complete the appropriate practical assessment, and demonstrate sufficient electrical work experience for the particular registration class.

Your Board-approved supervisor must provide a reference to confirm your work experience. Your reference must:

  • Be signed and dated by your Board-approved supervisor
  • Be on company letterhead
  • Include details of the type of prescribed electrical work you have completed while under supervision
  • Include the hours, days, weeks, or months of work experience completed.

See the individual classes listed below for details of the training and qualifications required to register in each class.

Your experience pathway coursework must be completed through a Board-approved training provider.

Fees changes

EWRB Changes to the electrical workers licence and registration fees will come in to affect from 21 January 2019.

Cost: NZD $2000

Document preparation and submission fees affect from 2025

Cost: NZD $2500